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Thornborough Infant School is a small village school where everyone is an important and valued member of the school family. We are proud of our supportive, nurturing and inclusive atmosphere where we believe we can develop thoughtful, caring and compassionate learners. We strongly believe that education and learning should be a broad and enjoyable experience and if children feel happy and secure they are then able to take advantage of our challenging and creative curriculum and strive to reach their potential. We believe we are well placed to support children who need additional support to achieve their potential and those where a special educational need has already been identified.

All mainstream schools and maintained nursery schools are required by law to complete an annual Special Educational Needs Report and have it available on their website

The Special Educational Needs Report forms part of the school’s Local Offer which can be viewed on the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service website following this link

The Bucks Local Offer provides information and advice on Special Education Needs & Disability provision, both inside and outside the Local Authority.

The schools SEND Co-ordinator is Mrs. Laura Passenger, Headteacher.  Please contact the school office in the first instance and queries will be passed on.

If you have any concerns about the way in which your child is supported at Thornborough with any SEN needs, please speak to the Headteacher who will endeavour to work with you and with the school SEND Co-ordinator to address your concerns. If the school hasn't been able to address your concerns to your satisfaction, then please consult the complaints procedure which you will find on the Policies page of this website.

Contact Us

Thornborough Infant School, High Street, Thornborough, Bucks, MK18 2DF
01280 812219