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Our school uniform helps to give the children a strong sense of identity and belonging. The Governors and staff expect high standards of appearance and have carefully selected practical and cost effective clothing to assist parents in meeting the school’s accepted dress code, details of which are outlined below.

Uniform with the school logo can be ordered from My Clothing, but there is no expectation that you have to purchase branded items.  


  • Grey Trousers, Skirts or, Pinafore Dresses (all year)
  • Burgundy Cardigans, Jumpers or Sweatshirts (all year)
  • White collared Polo Shirt (all year)
  • Checked Burgundy Dress (optional summer)
  • Sensible school shoes from any retailer: dark colour with closed fronts (all year)
  • White socks from any retailer (summer)
  • Grey socks or tights from any retailer (winter)
  • Fleece (winter)

Children also require a named bookbag, water bottle and wellingtons in school daily. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, children attend school in their PE kit:

  • Black shorts (all year)
  • Gold t-shirt (all year)
  • White Socks (all year)
  • Plimsolls or trainers from any retailer (all year)
  • Tracksuit  or jogging bottoms-black from any retailer (winter)
  • a spare pair of socks.

​For Forest School days, children are required to wear: long sleeve t-shirt, tracksuit or jogging bottoms, sweatshirt/hoody, waterproof trousers (with elasticated waist, not salopettes), a waterproof coat and wellington boots.  Plus spare socks!  For the  Winter, provide a hat, gloves (synthetic fibres stay dry longer), an extra thermal layer and spare clothes.  

Colder weather: remember to send your child to school in warm named clothing including a warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves.
Wet weather: additional shoes should be brought to school if your child is wearing wellingtons.
Warmer Weather: ensure your child has a named hat to wear when it is hot and sunny and named suncream (that they can apply themselves) in their bookbag.

We ask that children do not bring bags such as rucksacks or, kitbags as our cloakroom storage space is limited and bags left on the floor may cause a hazard.  Please make sure that all coats have a strong hanging tag in them.

Watches, studs and sleepers may be worn, but for health and safety reasons, no other jewellery is permitted. Also, for safety reasons, earrings must be removed, by the child before any P.E. lesson. If a child is wearing earrings that cannot be removed, they must bring micropore tape to cover them during P.E. lessons.

ALL items of clothing must be clearly named.  We encourage and train the children to look after their belongings, but young children sometimes misplace and lose things.  If items are named we can reunite them with the owner, saving expense and ‘searching’ time. 

Contact Us

Thornborough Infant School, High Street, Thornborough, Bucks, MK18 2DF
01280 812219